Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The edge of the waterfall

Like flying over the edge of a waterfall in the morning?

O Child beside the Waterfall
what songs without a word
rise from those waters like the call
only a heart has heard-
the Joy, the Joy in all things
rise whistling like a bird.

O Child beside the Waterfall
I hear them too, the brief
heavenly notes, the harp of dawn,
the nightingale on the leaf,
all, all dispel the darkness and
the silence of our grief.

O Child beside the Waterfall
I see you standing there
with waterdrops and fireflies
and hummingbirds in the air,
all singing praise of paradise,
paradise everywhere.

George Barker, "O Child beside the Waterfall"

1 comment:

runnerfrog said...

O Child beside the Waterfall, I see you standing there ;-)
Made you remember something! Don't forget to check if it is bloggable.
Send my regards to miss Whimsy.

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