Sunday, August 12, 2007


I keep working over this kind of pseudotextures with genetic algorithms.

Many significations are attached to heptagrams, seven pointed stars, or any forms of seven evenly distributed points. My two favourites are the Babalon star, and the heptagon as a symbol of perfection in christianity. You have more in alchemy, kabbalah, natives of north-america, wicca, the commonwealth star, and possibly the list go on.

"Now thou shalt flame the third, chanting the invocation. She is born in the third flame."

"In verse seven verses of seven lines, seven magick words. Stand and chant seven times. Envision thyself as a cloaked radiance desirable to the Goddess, beloved. Envision Her approaching thee. Embrace Her, cover Her with kisses. Think upon the lewd lascivious things thou couldst do. All is good to Babalon. All."

Jack Parsons, The Book of Babalon; (The Third Ritual).

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