This is a simple blog to post my 2D visual arts created with interactive genetic algorithms (some 3D GA's intruded the blog too) and nothing more, however, the commenters and the ones I know about between the invisible visitors, many many times had made a difference in my mood, my state of mind, certain zones of my general behaviour, and my sense of decency too, why not :-) I've known excellent people only because of blogging, and some of them became friends who lend a hand even when I never asked that. Cheers.
I'm thanking every visitor during twelve agitated months, and that means everyone; it certainly includes all who I can't speak with anymore, because everyone who was related to me and this blog at the same time, became an important person to me, at least at one particular moment of this past year of blogging.I've responded every comment. Since some undetermined day I felt pushed to post everyday, any crappy image available, but everyday. This blog became cathartic during a crisis in my life last year, somehow changing its simple objective to a more human one (although I never liked to speak of myself in any public forum). Never thought I would surpass the limit of the three months of blogging: but did it. Never thought I would be able to create as many evolutionary art images and relate them to the art of another artist that I like, as my daily blog requires: but did it. Never thought that a person may thank me for making him/her know another artist: they did it. Never thought it would be possible to openly speak of myself, with my picture and real name: did it. Never thought I could know in person a faraway reader, did it. Never thought I would make a friend who could be with me in a moment of need (or viceversa) without even knowing that person's face, did it too. All because of this spare-time blog, so happy bloggiversary to a blog with two parenthesis too much. It is certainly a happy blog to the author, every day it's a happy event to come back here. Cheers.
I'm proud of this, although it may be common: I may bore you but (lucky me) never insulted your intelligence; never explained what I shouldn't during my everlasting chaotic behaviour and thinking.
Thank you for becoming a friend after visiting, you've let your mark in me. Will try to go for another year.
Here comes the sun (III):

And here comes the song: