Saturday, May 19, 2007

Trimmed skies

One of my two jobs is as computer-science teacher, I choose that, in a poor zone at one high school here in town, very close to a garbage-dump. They burn the garbage regularly. With the smoke it goes away the health of the whole neighborhood, the elder, the boys, children. Past year healthy students of mine, are dead this year, some other didn't assist any more; we wait the phone to ring at any time... cancer, asthma, leucemia, murder, drugs.
I have to give the boys and girls rest in front of the monitors, their eyes are afflicted with the daily smoke, where pathological waste bags are burned too.
When I leave the high school, the sky looks dangerous, and cut out in pieces of different colours of smoke... dangerous.

The sky, generally is a symbol of future, as a community or group mostly, but personal too; we have those uses very often in tango poetry (the lyrics were written by poets, very commonly).

I prefer this translation to the image name in spanish: "Trimmed skies", by some slight double sense, like in the budget trims.


Amber said...

Beautiful and sad all at the same time.

“Without a wish, without a will, / I stood upon that silent hill / And stared into the sky until / My eyes were blind with stars and still / I stared into the sky.”

~Ralph Hodgson

What is tango poetry?

Stargazer said...

What an awful situation. It is always sad to hear about conditions such as you described. Your image is a perfect representation of such a depressing affliction.

runnerfrog said...

...Well, Deborah, Amber, thanks.
Amber, tango poetry are in fact the tango lyrics, almost all of them were written by poets of early twentieth century here in Argentina.

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