Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Novalis's blue flower

I've already posted this quote, not this image. Wanted the image in low-contrast, secretive, hard to find, private.

"It's not the treasures I care about" he said to himself "such coveting is miles from my mind, but I long to see the blue flower. I cant get rid of the idea, it haunts me. I never felt like this before, its as if I dreamed of it years ago, or had a vision of it in another world, for who would be so concerned about a flower in this world? and I've never heard of anyone being in love with a flower. Where did this stranger come from? None of us had ever seen anyone like him. I don't know why his words impacted on me so deeply, the others heard him, and they didn't produce the same effect on their minds. I cant even express the strange state I'm in. Sometimes rapt in delight... but when I forget about the blue flower, a nameless longing takes possession of me, no one can understand this. I'd think I was mad, if it were not for the fact that my thoughts are so clear and connected, and I understand so many new things. I've heard it said that in the olden days, animals, rocks, and flowers all spoke to humans. I'm haunted by the idea that they have something to tell me, and I feel as if I could comprehend their speech. I used to be devoted to dancing, now I love music."

Novalis, "Friedrich von Osterdingen".


Stargazer said...

A deep well, very dark and foreboding. This well contains no water, yet is full. The more I look, the more it spirals down. The never ending descent pierces memories, and furtive intentions always denied. How far one travels down is personal, and as you said...private.

Sorry for my dark interpretation, you caught me off guard, and I got really involved with the image. :)

runnerfrog said...

:-) You are always welcome. How great to read you.

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