Sunday, November 04, 2007

sisyrinchium campestre

I think I mistaken the flower's name and image... don't know right now... I just love the poem and I always associate it with one wildflower, and one girl.

When I open my wallet
to show my papers
pay money
or check the time of a train
I look at your face.

The flower's pollen
is older than the mountains.
Aravis is young
as mountains go.

The flower's ovules
will be seeding still
when Aravis then aged
is no more than a hill.

The flower in the heart's
wallet, the force
of what lives us
outliving the mountain.
And our faces, my heart, brief as photos.

John Berger, "The flower in the heart".


Lucía said...

Hi! Me ha encantado tu blog y es por eso que te escribo para preguntarte si te importaria que pusiera un enlace de tu web en la mia? Ya me diras algo.

Un abrazo.


runnerfrog said...

Así es; tenés tu libertad para usarla. :-)
Como quieras. Ya me voy a poner al tanto de la historia de tu blog también.
Un abrazo.

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