Saturday, July 21, 2007

Abstract nº5

I'm busy improving my software and taking care of family issues; also don't know why I feel like filling up space with an abstract today :-)
This might be of interest of genetic algorithms artists, it is made completely by hexagons (like the snowflake I did before too), all the curves, the lines, the fading colours, all are hexagons in different sizes and colours... I kept the image not because I like it, but because of that strange fact; and it took a lot of time to render to just waste it, you know. ;-)
Not related, but this made me remember the long lasting hexagon shape in Saturn's north pole. Just digressed.

1 comment:

runnerfrog said...

If I base in the complexity of the image itself, I should say "too-political map". A blank image should apply better. The other day I produced a blank image with genetic algorithms, ironically, the code to evolve until zero-values was more complex than the ones from many images here at the blog. :-)
Well. Thanks.

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