Friday, May 25, 2007

Flower on the sky rocks

I've been a little bit off the blog. Well.

What, something for women?
OK, let's start with the manly-boring part :-) in the last two weeks I was working in one genotype to achieve a combination of stone, little paint strokes and soft petals, the pain was, it took three hours to render, and reduced to 1280x1280 weights more than 3.5 Mb compressed in png, so was a hell of a work evolving this image, the recursion pattern is very noticeable, I couldn't work a more complex genetic algorithm without killing the hardware.

The idea was to do some tribute to the influence and power of women, from my perspective.
I thought in a flower, as women seem to be, over cold mountain rocks, as life and problems seems to be, some paint strokes over the rocks in not an easy natural colour (just to let clear men are there to ruin things many times) and some "moonlight" over the mountain, for solitude representation, if possible. Didn't wanted to explain it, just, well, I really forced the hardware this time! That included the brain. :-)

"Flower on the sky rocks", yeah, like women on this life.


Jennifer A. DeBeer said...

oh. very nice this one. i like the visual contrast: the precise lines and definition of the flower cf. the roughness of the rocks. there is something else i see, a glimmer of light. on the horizon maybe? what´s that up there, slightly to the right off-centre, behind the deep turquoise? bright light, yes?

Jennifer A. DeBeer said...

oh no. it´s happened again. i read your words fleetingly, and pay more attention to the picture.

i now see that you said there was moonlight. aarrrrgggghhhh.

runnerfrog said...

Nice to know you like it. :-)

I couldn't buy any of your second comment posts, anytime, I'm sorry. :-D

Saludos, J.

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