Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Vegetal water

One day, April the 13th, an admired fractal artist named Oliviah (I don't know her last name, but she seems like a very nice girl) published an artwork called "Magical Garden", you can watch it here; and it was inspirational to something I was looking for: starting to simulate vegetal or mineral textures through pure interactive genetic algorithms (not organic 3D art). She did her job very well, and I tried to keep up the quality, just that. The first result is called "Vegetal water", it has two versions, one daytime illuminated, one night-time illuminated; and I wanted to look like ferns made out of water or green/transparent liquids (hard to achieve).
This is how far I am right now; this inspirational work will surely keep evolving into other different simulations, because I want to go that way (between others) through interactive GA's.

The image is simple, the work was complex; eventually it will lead me to have more resources to express myself (I have almost five years doing this kind of things, but still starting on it).

So this is a brand new work, from days ago, for a change. :-)
Thanks a lot, Oliviah.

So this are the ferns, distorted under daytime light:

And this under night time, the moon should be, tiny, on the left.

For more artists doing works through genetic algorithms, I always have my left panel, "preferred sites".
Surely the night time version should be better. Cheers. :-)


Oliviah said...

What amazing work you create! Both of these are wonderful, looking at them sends my imagination off into strange and fascinating new worlds. And how thoughtful of you to mention me.

runnerfrog said...

My pleasure.

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