Tuesday, December 11, 2007

3D abstract Nº28 (or Gate to the Green Hell)

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.
For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.

William Blake, "The marriage of Heaven and Hell".

This is my abstract in 3D Nº 28, of a long serie of works with genetic algorithms in 3D. I'm creatively stuck in 3D much worse than I am in 2D. Poor, poor C. :-)
I uploaded this one by mistake, but before erasing it, I thought that may be it was its time to see the light, so left it here.
I use to name all my results in 3D as abstracts; but to me, this is the gate to the deep green hell :-P May be I shall rename it now that the image achieved its place between the rest.


Dzeni said...

Great stuff! It really draws the viewer into its depths. It does seem a bit peaceful though. I always thought of Hell as a hot, dark / red place haunted by the damned.

runnerfrog said...

Oh sorry, my reference of "green hell" came from the argentinian-paraguayan-bolivian wild forest into which happened the '32-'35 Chaco war. It was named Green Hell, because it is so hot and dark that the soldiers had to shoot without seeing, mostly after hearing; no water, few food, etc.
The Blake's quote came after, but I didn't knew how to rename the thing.
And of course Hell's Gates always looks peaceful. ;-)
Thanks for your comment and appreciation, as always.

Anonymous said...

This is one of my preferred. Great design Cristian!

runnerfrog said...

Thank you Giovanni.

Stargazer said...

This image looks gorgeously reptilian to me.

runnerfrog said...

Oh yeah, true! The green and the scales; didn't noticed before; how strange.
Thanks!, I like other people interpretations a lot.

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